Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Every Life has a purpose"

This Life we have is already a blessing..
Why some people say they're not BLESSED?..
As we know.. Life is not really fair..
sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down..
But, all we need to do is "Live the moment"
cause.. every moment has a purpose...
every moment of our everyday is already planned..

For me, I am already honored to have this life.
It's a previlege to have this kind of Life..
Though, it's not perfect but having "LIFE" is perfect..
Many people strive just to live but, they have no choice but to accept the things that are happening to them.. most of the sick people want to "LIVE" . They want a normal LIFE.. but do they have a choice? No, they can't do anything with their health, if there's no cure. but,
YES, they have a choice..
they have a choice to live their life to the fullest..
they can be happy as they can, to experience what normal people do, they cover their sadness with happiness in their face...
It's sad to know that the people who can live normally don't want to live normal..
coz, most of them aren't satisfied nor contented of what they have..

Of course! I felt it too ... sometimes I envy those special children who's with their parents during school days, because I want to be with my parents too..
I want to be with them every single second of everyday..
because I know that we can't avoid things that we don't want to happen, we don't want them to disappear in our sight. But, do I have I choice?
Yes, I have a choice!
I can be with them every after school and I will make sure to spent even just a little time with them.

We don't LIVE in this world with the reason of "NOTHING" ..
We live in this world with the reason of  having a "PURPOSE"..

Purpose is the reason why we're here.. but, most people don't know what's their purpose.. LIKE ME..!
I know..
most of us don't know what's our purpose ..
but we'll know our purpose maybe at the end, or near the end.

People who are sick became a model for most people who are down..
they inspire many people, because of the kimf of life they have, they can make amazing things that rare people cam do, they strive hard to live and despite of their disabilities they still live the moment without any complains..

It's a LESSON for us...
Life teach us a lesson and Life is a journey ..
We're here to walk, run and climb until we reach the finish line.. we don't know if it is a mountain, a long road or a short road with tough ways .. every people have their own pathways..
and so we do..

When we're down..
Just refect and think! compare yourself to those who are in need, make them your inspiration and encourage yourself to continue the life you have...

Other people can't command you on how you would plan to live, neither people can't decide for who you want to be.. it's only you.. ONLY YOU!. 
You're the one who can save yourself, you're the one who can decide.. people like friends and family are jsut there to guide, support and protect you but they can't!..
they can never ever decide for yourself, it's not them.. It's you..
Ask guidance, ask protection , but decide foor yourself.. that's how this life runs for purpose.. :)

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