Tuesday, January 31, 2012


They say: "PROMISES are meant to be "BROKEN"
well, in some part it's TRUE .. I already PROVED it to myself..
It's really PAINFUL, but we can't do anything but to ACCEPT ..
I more prefer NOT to say I PROMISE, if you're sure or not sure if you can do it..
but rather say, I'll try and then make an action..
That's why it's true that "ACTIONS speaks louder than WORDS"
Many people having Heart ache because of Promises !.. when you didn't make that Promise, you'll gonna LOSE TRUST!..
so might as well, Don't SPEAK.. If you can't..
I also LOSE TRUST, because I already broke a Promise..
and I learn from it.. It's a bit HARD because you know that there's a person who's holding a grudge from you and you lose trust from him/her,
It's really painful for me but I know it's more painful in his/her part.
and now I realized that kind of pain he/she experienced..
you know why?
there's a person whom I really trust who PROMISED ! that he/she will keep it until I gonna come back.. But, he/she messaged me that he can't keep that promise anymore..
I also understand his/her part, but on the other way it's still PAINFUL..

So,  I'm not saying that don't trust to the people who say "I PROMISE" but, just be ready and EXPECT the UNEXPECTED so that, when something happens you won't be hurt that BAD..

Don't Quit ! if you're afraid Just PRAY & TRUST in God ..

It's a LONG STORY, but I made it SHORT.. 

It's about a young girl who joined a contest because of a friend who said:
Friend: You are the one we chose to join this contest
Girl: okay 
friend: you're gonna be on training next week (afternoon) 
girl: alright!
The girl answer positively without any hesitation without any doubts... 
on that afternoon, the girl is with her friends, having their food trip at her house, she forgot that she has a training to attend, her friend called:
friend: where are you? 
girl: huh? 
friend: you have a training, remember?
girl: ohmy! I'm sorry, I forgot..
friend: we'll wait here, so come now !
girl: uhmm, i'm with my friends here at my house, I can't go.. 
Friend: come here now ! 
girl: uhm.. okay.
The girl ask permission to her friends that she will go out somewhere for training.. 
her friends said:
friend 1: okay. we'll be alright here, don't you worry..
friend 2: yea right sis ! we're ookay here so "good luck".
girl: are you sure?
friends: SURE !..
girl: okay, i'll gonna go..
So she went out for training.. when she arrived:
friend: so are you ready now? 
girl: I think so...
when they start the training, the girl get it hard, because it's her first time to join contest "ever" in her life.. and when the day is over she went home..
the girl is speaking only to herself saying.. 
girl: I don't know if I can do this anymoree..
and when the week is over.. the contest is fast approaching.. 
the girl is always crying and she seeks for advice.. 
girl said while crying: I can't do this anymore.. it's so hard ! i'm afraid !..
her friend said: you can do it !.. you said "YES" without any hesitation & doubts so you have to finish it..
and the girl just go to bed and prayed.. 
when the day comes finally.. 
the girl didn't feel anything, she didn't feel nervous nor excited nor afraid nor happy...
when the contest starts she doesn't know what to feel, she doesn't know what to do, she's out of her mind, and now she feels nervous and she did PRAY and now she's going to show up..

after the contest ...
it's the awarding time.. 
without even knowing what's the result.. 
the contestants are all called except her.. without knowing that she's going to win the 1st place.. 
and she was shocked... she didn't know what to feel.. 
some of the people don't like what's the result of the contest.. 
and she bare that pain until it was healed but still she can't forget what happened.. 
she said to herself: It's better that I didn't win if this would be the result.. that.. people don't like what's the outcome.. 

lesson: If you START, FINISH it.. DON'T GIVE UP!
 you can be AFRAID, but don't QUIT..
 if you are afraid.. just pray trust in God and he will do everything for you.. 
and if this kind of pain you will feel just say to yourself "it's DONE" no one can change what happened.. 
Just FOCUS in your PRESENT, FORGET about what you don't want in your PAST and AIM for your FUTURE..  

Monday, January 30, 2012


I know many people knew what "Grudges" mean..
it's the pain we feel inside our hearts because of many things..
maybe because of family matters, friends, loved ones or other people who enter & became part of our life,
sometimes we forget to forgive people who committed things against us and that's how "PRIDE" enters our Life. Well, sometimes it really takes time to heal the pain we feel inside and it takes time to forget the things that happened and it also takes time to "FORGIVE" , sometimes until the very last breath of the person they never felt that they were forgiven ... 
there are things in our lives that we did, 
but we didn't meant to hurt other people,
we plan to ask forgiveness but, the person don't accept it.. 
if we're gonna put our situation to their situation, we'll also be hurt ...
That's the challenge in this world, 
we should learn things like this.. 
"PRIDE" is always there but learn to "Forgive, accept, forget & love"
Pride can never let you win in any battle, 
not unless you learn how to get over it..
When you have "Pride" it never makes you strong, it always makes you weak,
but to "Forgive" makes you strong, cause it shows that you know, people do make mistakes even how deep it was .. 

"Learn to Forgive & Forget"
<3 --15-- <3

What is LOVE ?

Do you know what's the TRUE meaning of the L-O-V-E word? ..
Some people define LOVE, 
but it's not the whole meaning...
the TRUTH is ...
LOVE is not meant to be explained,
It is meant to be experienced ...
Happy, Sad, Lonely, Pain etc. 
this are some of the feelings we felt in LOVE..
Love is not a material thing that we can touch, it's a feeling that everyone should feel.. 
all people feel this kind of feeling, NO ONE lives without this..
some people are being Hate but, it doesn't mean NO ONE loves them, 
People are not meant to LIVE just to be in pain and to be Hate by others,
but to be LOVED by others...

That's how GOD created us. 

<3 --15-- <3

Fall Out of Love

Did you know what's "Falling out of Love" mean? 
it's the opposite of "Falling In Love" .. 
It means that you don't have feeling for someone you love..
when we FALL out of LOVE, the feelings we have for that person disappears, the LOVE, HAPPY & EXCITEMENT we have for him/her is GONE , instead it was replaced by loneliness, sadness or any negative things you didn't meant to feel, especially when you're with him you feel so bored etc... 
It just happens when the person gave TOO MUCH for someone he/she loves,
giving TOO MUCH results into WASTE .. 
Let me compare the LOVE to WATER,
in a bottle, when you fill it with water and the space of the bottle is not enough it will overflow and the water will be wasted..  
it's like in a relationship.. when you gave TOO MUCH of your LOVE it will overflow and be WASTED ..

When you enter Relationship you should know what is the RIGHT & WRONG, because if you don't, you will be the one who'll experience the PAIN that you don't want to feel ...
When you Love.. you should not give TOO MUCH, you should Love YOURSELF, before you Love others, you know why? How can others Love you, if you don't Love yourself...
that's why everything STARTS in OURSELVES ...  

Sunday, January 29, 2012


This LIFE we have is a GIFT, we should treasure and prosper it, 
because it's priceless.. 
It's like what we receive from our love ones, we KEEP and TREASURE it.. 
It's not the money that counts.. 
it's the THOUGHT that counts.. 
LIFE cannot be compared in any material things,
You know why?
because LIFE can't be trade, can't buy, can't bring and cannot sell, while the material things, we can buy it, we can trade it into something we want, we can sell it to others, but this LIFE is the only thing we have in this world..
many people want LIFE, wants to survive, wants to have second chance to live & they want to feel that they lived but they CAN'T cause, they have something what normal people don't have, while the normal people who put they're selves into risks and they make reckless things, some of them plan to suicide, some of them plans to not live anymore, but they don't realize many SICK PEOPLE wants it, wants they're LIFE wants to LIVE happily..
That's why even me begins to be CONFUSED & CURIOUS .. WHY? WHY people can't reflect What they are, what they're doing, what they have & how LUCKY they are...
Some People, Don't know that they are given by God the PRECIOUS gift and that's LIFE .  
It's a PRIVILEGE to have LIFE because it's a GIFT from Most High. 
<3 --15-- <3

Moving On

in a relationship situation:
Moving on is HARD when you force your self to get over about what happen, especially when you try so hard to forget about everything special you had before... 
Moving on is not about forgetting the person you loved, it is the feeling you have to forget, because if you'll try to forget the person, it's impossible,
 it will take you a lifetime for that, not unless you'll have a amnesia or any kind of disease that involves LOSING your MEMORY.
Too much for that..
 well, let's get back to MOVING ON ! ..
In moving on, it will really take time, sometimes in your life you'll waste a time just for thinking about him/her, the things you've been through or you're favorite event that happen in your relationship.. 
Well, it's part of moving on... 
You just have to wait, when you can adjust and when you can slowly forget the feeling you have for that person..
you can do that by making yourself busy on what you want in your life and make it your PASSION for your LIFE to EXCEL !. <3  
JOURNEY your self into your OWN ROAD and make your paths STRAIGHT and set your GOAL at the END ^_^


Long Distance Relationship

Most people having a long distance relationship always lasts,

some of it prosper,
and some of it was frozen, never moving forward,
 because of this, that and many more...
 there are so many reasons and excuses, 
but relationship only need Trust, Patience, Loyalty, Honesty, Faith & knows how to keep promises and knows how to hold on for them to work the relationship out..

Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters is your honesty & 

trust for that future relationship to work out..

There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts together no 

matter how many miles are between them..

if the days won't allow You to see each other. memories will, and if Your eyes can't see 

Him/her, his/her heart will never forget you.. 

wherever you go, whatever you do, you know he/she loves you, He/she will be waiting 

always, whatever it takes, whatever's at stake, you know he/she'll be right here..