Sunday, August 19, 2012

"People who experienced failures are the ones' who succeed"

People who encounter failures are the one's who usually succeed in life. You know why?
First of all, take note of the word "failures" it's not "failure" it's with "S" which means it's plural, it's more than one failure. Well, people who failed many times are the ones' who always try and try until they got it right. The more you try, the more chances of succeeding. It's a matter of chance, when you take the opportunity to try it's either you succeed or you fail. Failure is always part of a human life, no human could be an exception to that, and no human who doesn't fail even the most genius person, they experienced failures in terms of experimenting but through failure they discover a lot of things, they use  their own failure or mistakes to make things right, they made it beneficial for them to know what's wrong what did they do and how did they fail through failure they surpass in a lot of things, they try and try until they got answers to their questions, until they do what they need to do and until they succeed. Failure may sound negative for people, but the truth is it depends on a person how they would accept their own failure. When you fail, it's not the end of the world for you, that's why people have chances, if you have chance to try again, why don't take the opportunity maybe, if you would try agin it would make you more better than before. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, trust God, trust yourself and be humble in everything, it will make you a better person and it'll make you surpass every challenges in life.

"Time Runs so FAST"

Time runs so fast to the point that I didn't notice I will be going to celebrate my 1st yr. of being here in U.S. Well, even though I am able to survive living somewhere I am not really used to live, I still think of my friends, and family that I left way back home. It's not so easy to adjust, to move on and start a new life. Starting a new life doesn't mean you're going to forget your past and pretend it never happen. Starting a new life means you're going to create a new you with the combination of the old you. Your past gives you strength wherever you are now, people won't reach what they have now if they don't come from anywhere. I made a lot of decisions in my everyday life. Before I have a lot of dreams, a lot of simple kind of things like, I want to be as smart as my classmates, I want to be a first honor student, I want to go to U.S even just for once, I want to have a lot of friend and many many more... But now, all of that simple wishes came true without any expectation in myself, I just let myself live life  without expectation, I realized that one of the things that I don't really like is to expect, because expect is always with disappointment. I don't want to be disappointed nor to expect for nothing. My simple dreams came true because of giving everything that I can, to do the best that I can and to trust Gd whatever He wants for me, Expect The Unexpected. I always pray for something and I will ask God to grant my wish if it will be good for me, "if not I understand and it's okay if you won't because I trust you that you have greater things that you will provide for me." You won't be angry if your wishes won't come true if you understand why you don't have it.
YOU'RE NOT HERE IN PRESENT IF YOU DIDN'T COME FROM YOUR PAST, so be glad you came there and accept the things that are already done, nothing will happen if you'll always go back to the memories you want to erase, because no matter what you do with that memory it won't happen again.
If something happened that you never wanted to happen, damage has been done so MOVE ON!.