Sunday, January 29, 2012


This LIFE we have is a GIFT, we should treasure and prosper it, 
because it's priceless.. 
It's like what we receive from our love ones, we KEEP and TREASURE it.. 
It's not the money that counts.. 
it's the THOUGHT that counts.. 
LIFE cannot be compared in any material things,
You know why?
because LIFE can't be trade, can't buy, can't bring and cannot sell, while the material things, we can buy it, we can trade it into something we want, we can sell it to others, but this LIFE is the only thing we have in this world..
many people want LIFE, wants to survive, wants to have second chance to live & they want to feel that they lived but they CAN'T cause, they have something what normal people don't have, while the normal people who put they're selves into risks and they make reckless things, some of them plan to suicide, some of them plans to not live anymore, but they don't realize many SICK PEOPLE wants it, wants they're LIFE wants to LIVE happily..
That's why even me begins to be CONFUSED & CURIOUS .. WHY? WHY people can't reflect What they are, what they're doing, what they have & how LUCKY they are...
Some People, Don't know that they are given by God the PRECIOUS gift and that's LIFE .  
It's a PRIVILEGE to have LIFE because it's a GIFT from Most High. 
<3 --15-- <3

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