Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Heaven is on Earth"

People who believes in one God are the ones who are successful.
Some people are successful both Heaven and on Earth, some experienced so much pain, and hatred on Earth because of doing the right thing but surely be comfortable with God in Heaven.
I don't know what heaven looks like, but I have no doubts that in Heaven you will experience happiness and equality. Doing the right things results to good consequences but, people are tempted by things that aren't necessary like Earthly things, being obsessed with money and power, that they forgot what's the right thing to do and their mind were swallowed by the temptations and committed sin against righteousness.
Doing the commandments of the Lord results to GOOD LIFE and there's no reason not to do it.

As I journey my life going to other places, I've discovered that there are a lot of people who don't believe in Him. They're baptized but, don't have belief and faith. I am not against them, but it's just painful for my part because they don't love what they should love. Faith is the connection through your soul, having something to believe in life is how you feed your soul.
As what I learned form my past lessons in school, Jesus performs a lot of miracles here on Earth that are experienced in Heaven and through this, God brings Heaven on Earth. Today, miracles are rare to witness, but it's not how you see it, it's how you believe that it happens, that it existed.
It is not always to see, is to believe. Some things in life are mysteriously happening that even Science cannot explain, they may have theory and evidence that make people believe. Science and my Faith can be connected, Science shows a lot of amazing things and they helped my Faith grow more stronger because it shows how amazing my God is. He created smart and genius people to explain these things, He created life, and different things to learn in this life, that makes it not boring for people. Life is about having fun with challenges and not to give up on it.

"Heaven is on Earth"

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